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Journal & Recipes

Sincerely, Brooke


Meet Your New Wellness Goal: Sleep

August is National Wellness Month, and there are so many ways to focus on your own self-care, healthy habits, and stress management. One of the most overlooked, but critical parts of a self-care routine is consistent, quality sleep. So often, we come up with reasons not to prioritize sleep, and…

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How to Cultivate Digital Intentionality

Just as the digital detox trend was on the rise, the realities of a pandemic made living online a necessity. In our stay-at-home reality, video calls, apps, and social media are often the only way we connect with work, school, friends, and family. Once putting aside our phones for deeper…

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My Body Transformation Journey by Amanda Gonzalez

It all started with a contest entry. A retreat getaway. A few days at a beautiful resort in Utah. Eating delicious, healthy food, meeting Brooke Burke in person, exercising with her and getting to meet other interesting women. It sounded like exactly what I needed. My soul was tired. My…

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Summer Solstice 2019

Hello summer 2019! This past week’s summer solstice marks the season’s beginning. Perhaps a new chapter, a new season a new you. During the summer solstice, the sun reaches its highest position in the sky and so begins the longest period of daylight. Let it mark the time to reach…

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Self-Reflection Mirror

“If you took a selfie of your soul would it be good enough to post?”   This quote sent me into a deep dive about self-reflection. What do you see when you look in the mirror? What are you portraying to other people in this social media craze? Are you…

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Dear Self

Dear Self, I am so sorry I have been ignoring you… I wasn’t able to hit the pause button and check in because everyone else has been much more important to me than you. I’ve also been slightly cruel to you, constantly criticizing you, picking you apart and focusing on…

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The Fabulous Forties

I just started my podcast, “The Brooke Burke Show.” I can’t wait to share it will all of you as I dish up all things family, marriage, love, health & wellness, and Hollywood. I interviewed so many inspiring people that I believe will surprise you and make you think. After…

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Put Yourself at the Top Of Your TO DO List

NO MODERN, liberated, independent minded mama would ever sign up to be a driver, shopper, chef, referee, doctor, cuddler, story teller, concierge, and classroom mom. The idea is both exhausting and ridiculous. Imagine if the pre-mommy handbook read, you’re going to be overwhelmingly spread thin, no one will ever say…

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Malibu Booty Burn Music Playlist

My BootyBurn Playlist! Here is what I am currently blasting in our Malibu Booty Burn class! Add these to your playlist and crush your workout!!  

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