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Sincerely, Brooke

Header 2022 06 27 Sarah Orbanic Longevity 0019 Edit extended rt 1230x480

Mom Fitness Is Achievable

As a health and wellness mentor, I know that good nutrition, regular exercise, and self-care are the keys to living our best lives. As a mom, I understand that doesn’t mean we all have the same needs or face the same challenges. Mom fitness requires a bit of extra ingenuity…

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When It Comes to Your Health, Every Day Should Be Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is here again! It is a day of celebration. A day of relaxation. A day to put ourselves first. It’s the one day of the year that us Moms get to do whatever we want. But when it comes to health and wellness, I believe every day should…

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5 Ways to Stay Sane While Parenting During Quarantine

  As a mom to four kiddos, I totally get it. Parenting during quarantine sucks. With the holidays fast approaching, there seems to be even more on my plate. These 5 tips on parenting with self-love in the age of self-isolation have helped me, and I hope they help you…

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Letting Go: Redefining The Mother Daughter Relationship

It is the eve of the night before my first baby girl Neriah becomes an adult. How did this day come so soon? This natural rite of passage I imagined gently greeting me hit me like a bold question mark at the end of a sentence. Despite the lack of…

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Generation Tech – Balancing Real Life and Social Media

Generation Tech, the manipulation of reality and a love affair with Instagram. From filters and air brushing, to color enhancing and reshaping.  Who are we really and what are we trying to say? The average American checks their social media platforms 17 times a day and spends 102 minutes in…

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