Brooke Burke discusses keeping her relationship sexy at 50, the power of saying no and embracing a new decade.
Video Transcript
BROOKE BURKE: I felt like I was rushing to 50, because it was such a topic of conversation. I will admit that I feel better and happier and healthier and more connected to myself right now. When it happened, though, it was still the reality of like, whoa. And then 50 happened, I became a fiancee, it all happened in like one week. It’s a lot. It’s a lot.
Never say never, but I said it to myself about marriage. I wasn’t really a marriage kind of person the first or the second time around, to be honest. It’s really disappointing when it doesn’t work out the way you wanted it to, and then you kind of go back to the drawing board and dig deep and learn and grow. And I really fought to have an open heart after number two.
And then I sort of accidentally met Scott. And I wasn’t really leaning into trying to produce this relationship. I was really just in it and letting it breathe and evolve. And he’s an amazing man, and everything’s right. The first thing everybody asks when you get engaged is, when are you getting married? My response so far has been like, whoa. Like, I just gotten engaged. Let me just be a fiancee for a minute.
I don’t really feel the need for a big change. You know, for me it’s a commitment. It’s respectable, it’s honorable. It means a lot that he asked. It means a lot to him that I said yes. And for right now, we’re just engaged, so I’m not even looking yet at the next step. Wedding number three, what does it look like? We don’t know yet. I think I wasn’t really super excited about it before, to make a big event. So I don’t know, it will probably be a long engagement, because I’m slow. I’m slow in my process.
I have four kids. He has two kids, Levi and Lila, 10 and 13. And everybody is on board, which is a blessing because a blended family has its challenges. We are worthy as parents to be able to be happy, and to be able to try again, and there’s freedom in that. There’s a lot of guilt in that. I don’t do guilt in that. I’m OK defining our relationship as adults, and not letting the children dictate.
I think it’s super important for adults, especially people into their second marriage and raising a blended family, to really understand boundaries and priorities and personal needs. I spend a lot of time in my wellness space, encouraging and guiding women to tap into that inner diva, to develop sexual energy, to develop self-confidence at every age.
The reality of it is, newness is sexy. There’s something exciting about a new relationship. My goal, my commitment with Scott, and I’ve said it, I’m like, we have to make this relationship precious. We have to find ways of keeping our relationship sexy and interesting, which is not for me right now because I’m in a two-year relationship. And I just got engaged, and it’s awesome and chemical and super sexy.
I think there’s something so sexy about a woman owning who she is. If I’m posting a body picture, and it’s a sexy picture, and I’m in a bikini, or I’m doing a provocative photo shoot, I’m not doing it so I can be up all night engaging with people that I don’t know, looking for some positive feedback. I am doing it because I have a wellness business that’s built on results. And as a woman, being able to showcase that, it’s like a body of evidence.
BB Body, Brooke Burke Body is an opportunity to set wellness goals and crush them. We have workouts on my app that you can do in your kitchen, on your island, like a bar class. Do you have five minutes and you want to work on your booty, your abs, your upper body, and that’s all you have to spend? I literally have a handful of workouts that are five and eight minutes and under 10. So I’m always telling people find five minutes, find eight minutes to do something that feels good.
I feel like 50 is like almost the new 30? When a number is happening and it’s coming, embrace it and make the most of it. And I made myself a promise that in hindsight, I wouldn’t live regretfully. And so I wouldn’t look back and think I should’ve, could’ve, would’ve, or I wish I would have. I’m looking forward, you know? I’m looking forward to this really exciting decade. I feel lucky. I feel lucky in my life right now and happy. So I’ll take that all day long.
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