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Brooke Burke: Inside My Self-Care Routine

Exclusive: The fitness guru and TV personality reveals her favorite way to break a sweat, her go-to healthy recipes and what’s making her happy right now

Sure, “goals” is an overly used term but it really is the only word that comes to mind when we think of Brooke Burke.

Not only is she a TV host, CEO, author and mother of four children, but Brooke is also committed to helping women feel their best both physically and mentally.

The 48-year-old has been bringing fans along with her on her fitness journey (hello, booty burn!) through Brooke Burke Body, her fitness lifestyle app. And she opened up about her self-care routine for E!’s Wellness Wednesday series, sharing her favorite healthy recipe and indulgence, three things she has to do every day and what is making her happy right now.

Affirmation or Mantra You Tell Yourself:
How you do anything is how you do everything. The effort we put into executing our goals shows up in the results. This is a line I often tell my children when they’re half-assing something. If you’re going to do something, do it with passion and commitment.

The First Thing You Do in the Morning:
Coffee, nothing before coffee.

Three Things You Try to Do Each Day:
Pray, workout and love on my family (dog included).

Brooke Burke: My Self-Care Routine, Wellness Wednesdays

Social Media Accounts You Follow for Positivity:
@thoughtcatalog – I love the romantic imagery and the poetic sentiments about love, friendship and struggle on this one.

@tracymcmillanTracy McMillan is an inspirational author with an expertise in relationships, as well as a friend and colleague. I love accounts that are thought-provoking, and she speaks the truth, so she’s a must-follow.

Your Favorite Way to Break a Sweat Right Now:
By connecting with my audience and motivating them through my Brooke Burke Body fitness app! I’ve been live streaming on the app as well as on my Instagramsince the beginning of quarantine in an effort to make fitness fun and innovative. I especially love walking my viewers through total body cardio parties, which is when I crank up the music, let them find their rhythm and let the booty burn. Cardio kicks up your heart rate, so if you’re not sweating, you’re not working out hard enough!

“How you do anything is how you
do everything. The effort we put
into executing our goals shows up
in the results. This is a line I often
tell my children when they’re
half-assing something. If you’re
going to do something, do it with
passion and commitment.”

Your Go-To Snack:
Raw macadamia nuts.

Your Go-To Healthy Recipe:
Pulled chicken (five-minute fail proof recipe).

Your Go-To Indulgence:
Red wine and pizza.

Your Go-To Easy Beauty Routine:
Coconut oil. For EVERYTHING. Skin, hair & body!

Your Current Feel-Good Song:
“Give Me a Reason” by Sonny Fedora ft. Janai – This is my new summer favorite. I loved listening to it on the boat when I went with my family and boyfriend to Lake Powell. The upbeat rhythm makes me want to dance and the lyrics are so sexy.

The Apps or Podcasts You’ve Been Turning To:
Duh, mine! And intimate knowledge. So much to learn about sensual healing & personal intimacy.

Brooke Burke-Charvet

No. 1 Self-Care Tip:
Make time for yourself! You’re worth it! Too many women find comfort in falling last on the totem pole. Now that I’m in my 40s, I understand the value of me time and taking care of myself with zero guilt. The more I take care of myself, the better I feel and the better I am in all areas of my life. I’m also raising four children, so I try leading by example regarding the value of self-care.

You Can’t Go to Bed Without Doing This:
Drinking water, and applying eye cream and foot lotion.

What Is Making You the Happiest Right Now:
All the family time! COVID-19 restrictions have brought us closer and have made room for so many beautiful lessons and memories.

Reading Recommendation:
In the FLO by Alisa Vitti: This is a must read for all women. I wish I knew about the infradian rhythm when I was a young girl. It’s about better understanding our female cycle and how to manipulate our hormones. Biohacking is a real thing, but for us we need to understand our flow.

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