As we all continue to process the events of the last year… last month… last week… it’s helpful to remember that change is inevitable. This year will be different in many ways, for sure, but hindsight is 20/20. And 2020 taught us a great deal. The importance of self-care. The value of connection. The power of conscious awareness. We found new and creative ways to educate our kids, entertain our families, and exercise our bodies. We adjusted and we endured. I’m so proud of the way the Brooke Burke Body family came together to embrace at-home workouts, virtual classes, and our online community!
For me, 2020 seemed to be centered around a lot of waiting. Waiting for a return to normalcy. Waiting for resolution of seemingly endless challenges. Waiting for healing in such divided and divisive times. I suspect that theme of waiting will continue to be with us in various ways in 2021.
This week, I turned inward and recognized some weird body energy. So, I leaned into exercise to help me power through it. Regardless of where we lie on the political spectrum, we’ve all been immersed in a collective anxiety and stress that has had us literally and metaphorically holding our breath. After the inauguration, I felt like I was finally able to exhale.
Now that we are in the January home stretch, let’s pivot out of the past and into the possibilities. I created my 28-day New Year, New Norm fitness challenge as a way for us all to come together and share our positive energy. Life has been hard enough lately, so I wanted to keep it simple. (Challenging, but simple.)
Exercise has been proven to shift our overall well-being. And I want that for all of us. Many of you are entering the fourth week of this program right along with me, but if you were late getting started, I say… late is better than never. Today is the perfect day to start. I know a year from now you will be glad you did.
There are three simple steps:
Show Up
Being a SUBSCRIBER is awesome and I appreciate you so much! Just remember, this app is simply a tool for transformation. What you do with it is entirely up to you.
Making the COMMITMENT to do a program or complete a certain number of burns a week will deepen your involvement with our community and better your personal development.
SHOWING UP for yourself will help you shift into a more positive and powerful mindset. No one else can do it for you. But we can do it together. I’m all in, are you?
Here’s your weekly workout. Grab your kids and please let me know what you think of Mini~PE. Use hashtag #BBBNYNN for the Gram so we can communicate with you and cheer you on! And if your partner worked out with you and me and hottie Owen McKibbin, I’d love some feedback!
Remember it’s as simple as 1-2-3. Subscribe. Commit. Show up. You’re worth it!
Happy sweating everyone!