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BB’s Blue Majik Coconut Bowl

A delicious recipe full of antioxidants and healthy fats. Perfect for a hearty snack or breakfast!


2 scoops Blue Majik powder
1 handful of macadamia nuts
1 frozen banana
1 handful of blueberries
1 spoonful of hemp seeds
1 Fresh coconut
1 cup of coconut water


1. Use a hammer and screwdriver to hammer 3 holes at the bottom of the coconut. Pour coconut water into a cup and save. (I like to cut my own coconut, but you can purchase pre-cut coconuts and coconut water from the store if you would rather skip that step!)
2. Cut the coconut in half.
3. Blend the blue Majik powder, blueberries, banana, hemp seeds in a blender.
4. Pour the blended mixture into the coconut halves.
5. Garnish with cut banana slices, macadamia nuts, any other fruit of your choice and shredded coconut.

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